Text Elements

Language and Script Guidelines

Mixed Language Formatting

When working with mixed language content, particularly English and Hindi, proper script selection is crucial for accurate processing:

  • English text must be written in Latin script
  • Hindi text must be written in Devanagari script
  • Avoid transliteration of Hindi words into Latin script


✅ Correct: I want to eat खाना
❌ Incorrect: I want to eat khana

✅ Correct: मैं school जाता हूं
❌ Incorrect: main school jata hun

Proper Nouns Handling

For Indian proper nouns, maintain cultural and linguistic accuracy by following these rules:

  1. City Names:

    • Use Devanagari script for Indian city names
    • Maintain Latin script for non-Indian city names
  2. Personal Names:

    • Use Devanagari script for Indian personal names
    • Maintain original script for non-Indian names


✅ Correct: I live in मुंबई near अंधेरी station
❌ Incorrect: I live in Mumbai near Andheri station

✅ Correct: Hello! अमित and रोहित are my friends from New York
❌ Incorrect: Hello! Amit and Rohit are my friends from New York

✅ Correct: Hello! मैं दिल्ली में रहता हूं। My name is John and my friend's name is श्याम।
❌ Incorrect: Hello! Mai Delhi me rehta hun. My name is John and my friend's name is Shyam.

Text Chunking

Character Limit Guidelines

To optimize real-time processing and reduce latency, implement these chunking practices:

  1. Size Constraints:

    • Maximum chunk size: 250 characters
    • Break at natural punctuation points
    • Maintain sentence coherence when possible
  2. Breaking Points Priority:

    • First priority: Sentence-ending punctuation (., !, ?)
    • Second priority: Other punctuation (;, :)
    • Third priority: Natural word breaks

Chunking Implementation

Use the following Python code for implementing text chunking:

def chunk_text(text, max_chunk_size=250):
    Chunks text with a maximum size of 250 characters, preferring to break at punctuation marks.
        text (str): Input text to be chunked
        max_chunk_size (int): Maximum size of each chunk (default: 250)
        list: List of text chunks
    chunks = []
    while text:
        if len(text) <= max_chunk_size:
        # Look for punctuation within the last 50 characters of the max chunk size
        chunk_end = max_chunk_size
        punctuation_marks = '.!?;:'
        # Search backward from max_chunk_size for punctuation
        found_punct = False
        for i in range(chunk_end, max(chunk_end - 50, 0), -1):
            if i < len(text) and text[i] in punctuation_marks:
                chunk_end = i + 1  # Include the punctuation mark
                found_punct = True
        # If no punctuation found, look for space
        if not found_punct:
            for i in range(chunk_end, max(chunk_end - 50, 0), -1):
                if i < len(text) and text[i].isspace():
                    chunk_end = i
            # If no space found, force break at max_chunk_size
            if not found_punct and chunk_end == max_chunk_size:
                chunk_end = max_chunk_size
        # Add chunk and remove it from original text
        text = text[chunk_end:].strip()
    return chunks

Handling numbers

Order IDs and Large Numbers

When handling order IDs or large numbers:

  • Send them as separate requests
  • Split the text around the number


Original: "Your order id is 123456789012345"
Split into:
1. "Your order id is"
2. "123456789012345"

Phone Numbers

Default Grouping

  • Numbers are automatically grouped in 3-4-3 format
  • Example: “9876543210” is read as “987-6543-210”

Custom Formatting

For specific reading patterns:

  • Format numbers explicitly in text
  • Write out the exact pronunciation desired


✅ Correct: "double nine triple eight double seven double six" (for 9988877766)
❌ Incorrect: "9988877766" (if you want it read as "double nine...")

Mathematical Expressions

Express mathematical operations in words for clarity. For complex mathematical expressions, break down into simpler components:

✅ Correct: two plus three equals five
✅ Correct: 2 plus 3 equals 5
❌ Incorrect: 2+3=5

✅ Correct: ten minus three equals seven
✅ Correct: 10 minus 3 equals 7
❌ Incorrect: 10-3=7

✅ Correct: five multiplied by three equals fifteen
✅ Correct: 5 multiplied by 3 equals 15
❌ Incorrect: 5x3=15, 5*3=15

✅ Correct: ten divided by two equals five
✅ Correct: 10 divided by 2 equals 5
❌ Incorrect: 10/2=5, 10÷5=2

✅ Correct: open parentheses five plus three close parentheses multiplied by two equals sixteen
✅ Correct: open parentheses 5 plus 3 close parentheses multiplied by 2 equals 16
❌ Incorrect: (5+3)*2=16

✅ Correct: square root of sixteen equals four
✅ Correct: square root of 16 equals 4
❌ Incorrect: √16=4

Approximate Values

When expressing approximate values:

  • Write out the full words
  • Avoid using symbols for approximation
  • Be explicit about the approximation


✅ Correct: Your delivery will arrive in approximately twenty minutes
✅ Correct: Your delivery will arrive in approximately 20 minutes
❌ Incorrect: Your delivery will arrive in ~20 mins

✅ Correct: around five hundred people attended
✅ Correct: around 500 people attended
❌ Incorrect: ~500 people attended

Units and Measurements

When expressing measurements, write out the units in full words to ensure clear understanding:

✅ Correct: five kilometers, 5 kilometers
❌ Incorrect: 5km, 5 kms

✅ Correct: twenty kilograms of rice, 20 kilograms of rice
❌ Incorrect: 20kg rice, 20kgs rice

✅ Correct: thirty degrees Celsius, 30 degrees Celsius
❌ Incorrect: 30°C, 30 C

✅ Correct: two liters of water, 2 liters of water
❌ Incorrect: 2L water, 2l water

✅ Correct: five feet six inches tall, 5 feet 6 inches tall
❌ Incorrect: 5'6" tall, 5ft 6in tall

Symbols and Special Characters

Basic Symbols

Spell out special characters and symbols in all contexts:

. → "dot"
@ → "at"
_ → "underscore"
- → "dash"
/ → "forward slash"
# → "hashtag"
& → "and"

Digital Content Formatting

1. URLs:

✅ Correct: visit docs dot example dot com forward slash guide
❌ Incorrect: visit docs.example.com/guide

✅ Correct: my dash website dot com forward slash about
❌ Incorrect: my-website.com/about

2. Email Addresses:

✅ Correct: support dot company at gmail dot com
❌ Incorrect: support.company@gmail.com

✅ Correct: info underscore help at company dot com
❌ Incorrect: info_help@company.com

3. Social Media:

✅ Correct: at company underscore name
❌ Incorrect: @company_name

✅ Correct: hashtag trending now
❌ Incorrect: #TrendingNow

✅ Correct: follow us at tech underscore company hashtag latest news
❌ Incorrect: follow us @tech_company #LatestNews

Range and Interval Notation

Always write out ranges and relationships explicitly to avoid ambiguity:

✅ Correct: five to eight days
❌ Incorrect: 5-8 days

✅ Correct: between ten and fifteen minutes
❌ Incorrect: 10-15 minutes

✅ Correct: temperatures from twenty to thirty degrees
❌ Incorrect: temperatures 20-30°


  • Consistency is key - use the same format throughout your content
  • When in doubt, write out the full words
  • For complex URLs or handles, break them into smaller, manageable chunks
  • Avoid using symbols that could have multiple interpretations